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Interviews ::

Amy Wu, an award-winning writer for the women’s Ag and Agtech movement
Ms. Irene Karani, Children’s Investment Fund Foundations’ Africa Climate Director
Natalia Schäfer (Schaefer), Leading and Globally Renowned Artist
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News / Updates/ Analysis ::

COP 27- some hopes midst of chaos

Climate Change is Happening Now- Time to Take Action!

Taking Actions

We believe change begins from within and every individual has potential to make transformative changes; Earth Concern would like to be part of your change process. We encourage you to speak up, share, motivate, inspire and mobilize yourself, your family, community, and your organization for the greater cause of climate change. We will create space to cover your actions, advocacy, campaigns, personal stories, policy research, community mobilization, policy dialogues and share with the world to inspire, influence and making stakeholders accountable!

If you are working on several issues such as education, health, food rights, land rights, human rights, gender, disaster response, conflict, migration, academia, business and you want to share your story you can approach us as an individual as well as representing your organization.

Even if you are a farmer, lecturer, activists, researcher, journalist, NGO worker, vendor, business person, film maker, writer, politician, youth, senior citizen, retired person, lawyer, student; your life is under the threat of climate crisis. Please take action and connect with us. Do whatever small things you can, to make change happen and let us know what you have done!

If you are an organization, please share your community and policy level works, research and tested models to promote data driven climate conversation.

As a people's platform we will:
  • Provide creative space for you to share your ideas, information and stories

  • Connect individuals and institutions for common actions globally

  • Strengthen South-South Collaboration

  • Mobilization and campaign initiatives

  • Policy Analysis and Policy Advocacy to make state and non-state actors accountable to their commitments

  • Facilitating policy and community dialogues and workshops at national, regional and global levels

  • Capacity Building of Grassroots Networks and Organizations in areas of policy advocacy, networking and communication skills, development of strategy and strategic planning, developing media engagement strategies etc.

  • Latest news and updates

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