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Interviews ::

Amy Wu, an award-winning writer for the women’s Ag and Agtech movement
Ms. Irene Karani, Children’s Investment Fund Foundations’ Africa Climate Director
Natalia Schäfer (Schaefer), Leading and Globally Renowned Artist
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COP 27- some hopes midst of chaos

Climate Change is Happening Now- Time to Take Action!

Earth Concern’s Multi-Sectoral Approach to Climate Change Series

Women Leaders – Walking the Climate Talk

There is a single truth about climate change: it impacts people and planet globally. There are multiple actions going on around climate change topics. However, many of them are operating in siloes. It is high time to connect the threads of ongoing efforts and enhance ‘Multi-Sectoral Approach to Climate Change’. Sabita Gyawali Devkota of Earth Concern has synthesized her conversations with some of the women leaders who are making difference globally representing diverse sectors.

‘We are inspiring the next generation of agrifoodtech leaders to consider careers in this sector, especially those interested in environmental and social justice.’

Amy Wu, an award-winning writer for the women’s Ag and Agtech movement

‘Equity has to be at the center of the Africa climate debate, policy and actions because women, youth and children are the most vulnerable and affected genders by climate change in Africa’.

Ms. Irene Karani, Children’s Investment Fund Foundations’ Africa Climate Director

“My dear artist colleagues: keep creating, continue to set the signs, we can show with our art a lot of other and inner world and make a lot of people thoughtful and active.”

Natalia Schäfer (Schaefer), Leading and Globally Renowned Artist

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