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Amy Wu, an award-winning writer for the women’s Ag and Agtech movement
Ms. Irene Karani, Children’s Investment Fund Foundations’ Africa Climate Director
Natalia Schäfer (Schaefer), Leading and Globally Renowned Artist
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Daniel Baertschi is a Global Regenerative Agriculture Thought Leader. He is also a renowned coach, mentor, author and speaker, bringing people and nature into harmony. He is also a well-known Start-up Advisor for Food and Agriculture.

'Children, women and the aged were amongst the most badly affected in the aftermath of calamities in Uttarkhand. This is because they are typically the most vulnerable members of society, who then become doubly impacted when disaster strikes'. Mr Thomas Chandy - CEO - Save The Children, India.

'There is certainly a big gap between the scale of the water problems in the region and the effectiveness of policies to address them'. Mr Ravi Narayanan- Vice Chair- Asia Pacific Water Forum

'Geographically China has relatively strong physical capacity to adapt the variation of climate. However the adverse impact still exists.'- Professor Dr. Qun DU, at School of Law and Deputy Director at Research Institute of Environmental law, Wuhan University, China

'The poor people will be among the hardest hit by various effects of climate change including rising sea level,decreasing arable land and reduced access to land in general.' M. Shameem Siddiqi, Senior Program Director, The Asia Foundation, Bangladesh

Unplanned and unregulated development has led to major disasters. Dr. Manu Gupta, Chair Person, Asian Disaster Reduction and Response...

If you value water, your life depends on healthy and resilient mountains. Brian Peniston, Nepal and India Country Director- The Mountain Institute
Debate on Asian Mountains and Climate Change

'Millions of smallholder women and men farmers, landless workers, pastoralists, fishers and indigenous peoples are struggling to feed their families and better their lives.' Esther Penunia, Secretary General of AFA

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