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Interviews ::

Amy Wu, an award-winning writer for the women’s Ag and Agtech movement
Ms. Irene Karani, Children’s Investment Fund Foundations’ Africa Climate Director
Natalia Schäfer (Schaefer), Leading and Globally Renowned Artist
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News / Updates/ Analysis ::

COP 27- some hopes midst of chaos

Climate Change is Happening Now- Time to Take Action!

Knowledge Initiative

Our personal experiences around climate changeand environment play influential role in understanding the nature, issues, challenges and opportunities in taking actions to deal with evolving crisis. Earth Concern believes that these information, indigenous insights and knowledge at local levels are critical to inform global climate change policy, dialogues and actions. We highly value personalized knowledge, information, and experience along with impact stories.

Climate change is real and happening every day; people across the world are facing unprecedented challenges. However, people living in extreme poverty, women, girls, indigenous communities and ethnic minorities are disproportionately impacted. People are in need of accelerated support. Earth Concern aims to facilitate and share knowledge and data driven solutions to help state and non-state actors fast track such solutions. We also promote shared learning among stakeholders to help share innovations, not duplicate efforts and save resources.

To be part of these transformative journey, please share your articles, researches, and evaluation studies, personal experiences including poems, photos, and interviews to: secretariat@earthconcern.org, secretariat.earthconcern@gmail.com

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