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A Dream of Feeding the Earth: A Manifesto for Regenerative Agriculture. “Dream big - and partner with nature”, says Daniel Baertschi in his latest books that has gained significant global attention!

Daniel Baertschi is a Global Regenerative Agriculture Thought Leader. He is also a renowned coach, mentor, author and speaker, bringing people and nature into harmony. He is also a well-known Start-up Advisor for Food and Agriculture.

Daniel has recently published his new book, Feeding the Earth: A Manifesto for Regenerative Agriculture, which has gained substantive curiosity around the world.

Daniel shares some outstanding perspectives in an interaction with Sabita Gyawali and Prabodh Devkota. Below is the summary of his thoughts!

Tell us briefly about the concept of regenerative agriculture?
It is a method of farming that improves the resources used rather than destroying or depleting them. Soil health is a top priority, while water management, reduction of synthetic products, and other aspects are also taken into account. In simple terms, it is nothing other than old agricultural knowledge combined with new discoveries. It is a system based on principles and not on standards, outcome oriented with the aim to produce healthy food in healthy soils. There are various definitions, the best one is this:

"Regenerative agriculture is a set of agricultural principles and practices that increase biodiversity, enrich soils, protect water catchments and improve ecosystem performance.

By sequestering carbon in the soil and above ground biomass, regenerative agriculture also aims to reduce global warming.

When properly implemented, it results in more stable yields, greater resistance to climatic instability, and increased resilience and vitality for farming communities, despite reduced inputs.

The system is based on decades of scientific research and practical application in local communities. It emphasizes elements of organic and ecological agriculture, agro-ecology, holistic grazing and agroforestry.”

Who is the target audience of your book? Tell us 5 key messages from your book?

The book is for every person that is interested in food and agriculture. It responds to some basic questions: How can we produce and consume food without harming our planet? What needs to be done to ensure that people have affordable and healthy food? With examples from my own experience and written in straightforward language, I wanted to demonstrate how agriculture and the food industry must change if we’re to restore our planet to health.

Key messages:
  1. It starts with soil: soil health is the foundation for human health
  2. We need to make systemic changes and not focus on isolated solutions but on a holistic management
  3. Farmers need to be supported to transition to regenerative agriculture. It is a long term journey.
  4. Consumers can support regenerative farms by buying food from them
  5. Strengthen farms and rural communities with practical training and coaching so that they can make informed decisions
Why do you think the harmony between nature, agriculture and humans has been distracted? Who is responsible?

It is mainly due to dis-connect between humans and nature, not accepting natural principles that have been known by our grand grandparents. I think it is a responsibility of all of us

What are your thoughts on global climate change and its impact on food and future?

It will have a major impact – for all of us. We will see shift in production due to climate change, more risks for supply chains and challenges for production in many areas. So we have at the same time to mitigate climate change and adapt to climate change. Investing in soil health and biodiversity will be key to reduce the negative impact of climate change on our food system.

As a writer and a coach, do you think Food Security and Climate Change discourse has been over complicated? What are your suggestions to the experts to simplify climate and agriculture conversation as it is impacting every individual and people need to know?

“It needs to be practical and tangible – use stories and examples rather than scientific papers”

What is your message to the future generations, and new startups?

“Dream big - start small. Define a clear vision, keep focus, and partner with nature”

The relations among small holder farmers and private sectors have always been critical? What solutions do you offer to have a win-win situation and most importantly ensure regenerative agriculture at the center of these power dynamics?

It is important to have more transparency, better communication and a just transition that strengthens especially farmers – they are the ones that will save our soil.
Book is available on https://www.editions-labutineuse.com/en
Feedbacks: secretariat.earthconcern@gmail.com
Opinions expressed are of interviewee/ authors/contributors: 1-25-2022

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