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Amy Wu, an award-winning writer for the women’s Ag and Agtech movement
Ms. Irene Karani, Children’s Investment Fund Foundations’ Africa Climate Director
Natalia Schäfer (Schaefer), Leading and Globally Renowned Artist
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'We are in the process of a concrete analysis on the impact of climate change on Dalits, but our experiences in the recent disasters have shown that Dalits have been affected the most during floods, earthquakes and cyclones.' Ms. Asha Kowtal, General Secretary AIDMAM,

Climate change and agriculture issues require social mobilization on multiple fronts. Mr. Muhammad Nur Uddin, Secretary General, (API), one of the largest peasant networks of Indonesia.

'Many key Government Departments have yet to make climate change an important part of their agenda in Malaysia' more... Dr. Loh Chi Leong, Executive Director, Malaysian Nature Society

'Climate crisis will bring major problems to Tea, rubber and coconut and also paddy cultivation in Sri Lanka'... Hemantha Withanage

'The stakes are higher than ever to empower women and ensure they are equal actors and benefactors in order to truly mitigate and cope with climate change.'
Ms. Inés Alberdi, Executive Director, UNIFEM

'The UK's priority in Myanmar will continue to be to provide humanitarian support in the areas of health, education and livelihoods - especially to the victims of conflict'

'Why must we suffer the consequences of your decisions?'

'Children already struggling to adapt to severe, unpredictable weather and environmental disasters are being denied a say in the climate change debate'

Developing countries want a second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol. They also agree that they want deep emissions reduction and funding for adaptation and technology transfer from developed countries

'We all know that this fight to stem global warming now has a new front: students and youths. Our voices - the voices of young people should be heard and taken into account in decisions like these which affect our lives today and will shape our world tomorrow.'

'Social movements are central to any social transformation: they are the main victims of injustice, they are the main protagonists of alternatives and they should be the main beneficiaries of change.'

'Vietnam will be one of the five countries worst affected by sea level rise and more intense and frequent extreme weather. Even before the water rise, Vietnam is vulnerable to natural disasters, particularly typhoons, floods, inundation, droughts, saltwater intrusion.'

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