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Interviews ::

Amy Wu, an award-winning writer for the women’s Ag and Agtech movement
Ms. Irene Karani, Children’s Investment Fund Foundations’ Africa Climate Director
Natalia Schäfer (Schaefer), Leading and Globally Renowned Artist
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News / Updates/ Analysis ::

COP 27- some hopes midst of chaos

Climate Change is Happening Now- Time to Take Action!

Of Plastic Empire

You came to the earth, tears rolled with happiness
My soul started connecting yours
I thought I bloom in your eyes
I thought I vibrate in your music
Oh those beautiful days! Those were my days!!

You sought for shelter, I gave
You asked for food, I gave
You asked water, I gave
A day came …
You started selling me, I silently wept
You started playing with my flesh and raping me, I adjusted too
Flood, storm, diseases, thrust, hunger….cries…deaths


You want to hug me, I know…
Of which I am longing for years
Hey! See and feel I am hugging you….
….yes I am hugging …


Oh!! No, you can’t even feel my hugs
I know you are brought up in a Plastic empire
With a Plastic soul
Plastic mind and Plastic heart
Those were the days…………!!!

By Songs of silence series

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